"GET YOUR MERCH!" - Online Store is Open

I recall having a conversation with a homie of mine maybe 10 months ago or something like that. This friend of mine, RENZ YOUNG is a dope creative; produces great music, raps well, has a great work ethic, I respect his vision and insight on things like this, its pretty much routine that we touch base every so often to discuss plans, aspirations, and just shoot the shit. This particular convo, I talked his ear off about this plan I had to roll-out random merchandise drops for an entire year that would only be available via hand to hand purchases. And how the documentation of these interactions would look like the biggest album roll-out this city has ever seen. Then March rolled around and it was back to the drawing board. In an already grossly over saturated market of T-Shirts and clothing brands; how would my work be able to stand out?

Then I found a little inspiration from the unfortunate events sparked by George Floyd’s and Breonna Taylor’s death at the hands of law enforcement. I was moved by the action taken by local organizers and strong community based organizations in my home town. So I gathered what inventory I had ready and available and I sent FREE SHIT to any and everyone who would willingly donate to BLACK ORGANIZERS and Black led Organizations in the Milwaukee area. It felt selfish to execute the product rollout that we’d initially planned. But 2020 continues to have other things in store.

So in the true essence of streetwear culture; we keep pushing with the hand that we were dealt. With that being said…HUSTLE RESPONSIBLY’s first online drop is available for purchase exclusively on www.HUSTLERESPONSIBLY.com




Photos: Michael Snowden